Object Based Image Analysis (OBIA) is an innovative method of analyzing remote sensing data based not on the pixels, but on homogenous features (segments) generated by specific algorithms. OBIA based on high-resolution aerial orthophotography and powered by digital terrain models (nDSM) brings high accuracy analysis. Not many scientific papers bring implementation of ALS point cloud directly into OBIA image processing. Paper present study done on two test areas of approx. 3 km2, situated close to Wloclawek, representing different land use classes (transect “A” – urban area; transect “B” – rural and forest landscape). Geodata (digital aerial orthophotographs and Airborne Laser Scanning data) were captured almost at the same time (September 2010). Different raster layers were created from *. LAS file, like: intensity, number of returns, normalized elevation (nDSM). Two version (I and II) of OBIA classification were performed. First version (I) based only on aerial orthophotographs and different coefficients (like NDVI). Second variant of OBIA (wariant II) based additionally on ALS data. Total accuracy of variant I was 94.1% (transect “A”) and 92.6% (transect “B”). OBIA classification powered by ALS data provide to increase of the results up to 96.9% (transect “A”) and 95.0% (transect “B”) as well. Classification of objects with similar type of surface properties (like buildings and bare soil) was much better using ALS information. The ALS data improve also the shape of objects, that there are more realistic. Data fusion in OBIA processing brings new capabilities,. These capabilities are bigger thanks to processing based on 3-dimensional segments. The results of analysis would be more accurate, when orthoimages (“true ortho”) would be used, instead of standard orthophotographs. The running ISOK project in Poland will bring soon a huge data set (approx. 150 TB) of ALS and photogrammetry connected products. This situation requires suitable software to analyze it fast and accurate on the full automatic way. The OBIA classification seems to be a solution for such challenge.