The analogue soil maps (paper sheets; scale 1:5000) were made in Poland most likely in the 60-ties of XX century. Today, they need not only conversion from analogue form to digital (raster or vector) format but also quick and objective map revision. Soil maps become outdated and they don't represent actual land use or land cover (LULC). Rapid growth of cities and the country side development as well as infrastructure constructions have to be included in up-dated soil map. During the last 50 years in Małopolska Voivodeship, many hectares of arable land were abandoned and changed in natural way (succession) in to the class forest. In year 2010 the Marshal office of Małopolska Voivodeship decide to convert the archive of analogue soil map to shape file with connected database. In 2011 another project was started with main goal of up-date of the soil map (about 15 000 km2). The special work-flow of geoinformation technologies was used for fulfill this goal. Object Based Image Analysis (OBIA) meets the criteria for fast and accurate Land Use & Land Cover (LULC) classification method of the RapidEye (from years 2010/2011) high resolution satellite images. Application of this object based classification method, together with GIS analysis ensures very high degree of work automation. The results obtained shows, that the most changes in a land cover were observed in urban areas (Tz; +6.3%) and forests (Ls; + 8.2%). The area of all other agricultural used soil complexes decreased in the same time about -10.5% (in the mountainous areas approx. -4.9%). The class pastures and meadows also decrease during the last 50 years about -4.2%. This project demonstrates success story of using the modern GIS techniques to verify and update soil map of Małopolska Voivodeship based on the OBIA of RapidEye satellite imaginary and aerial orthophotomaps (RGB).