Due to considerable development of the non - invasion measurement technologies, taking advantages from the distance measurement, the possibility of data acquisition increased and at the same time the measurement period has been reduced. This, by combination of close range laser scanning data and images, enabled the wider expansion of photogrammetric methods effectiveness in registration and analysis of cultural heritage objects. Mentioned integration allows acquisition of objects three - dimensional models and in addition digital image maps - true - ortho and vector products. The quality of photogrammetric products is defined by accuracy and the range of content, therefore by number and the minuteness of detail. That always depends on initial data geometrical resolution. The research results presented in the following paper concern the quality valuation of two products, image of true - ortho and vector data, created for selected parts of architectural object. Source data is represented by point collection i n cloud, acquired from close range laser scanning and photo images. Both data collections has been acquired with diversified resolutions. The exterior orientation of images and several versions of the true - ortho are based on numeric models of the object, acquired with specified resolutions. The comparison of these products gives the opportunity to rate the influence of initial data resolution on their quality (accuracy, information volume). Additional analysis will be performed on the base of vector product s comparison, acquired from monoplotting and true - ortho images. As a conclusion of experiment it was proved that geometric resolution has significant impact on the possibility of generation and on the accuracy of relative orientation TLS scans. If creation of high - resolution products is considered, scanning resolution of about 2 mm should be applied and in case of architecture details - 1 mm. It was also noted that scanning angle and object structure has significant influence on accuracy and completeness of the data. For creation of true - orthoimages for architecture purposes high - resolution ground - based images in geometry close to normal case are recommended to improve their quality. The use of grayscale true - orthoimages with values from scanner intensity is not advised. Presented research proved also that accuracy of manual and automated vectorisation results depend significantly on the resolution of the generated orthoimages (scans and images resolution) and mainly of blur effect and possible pixel size.