The experiences of many academic centers have confirmed high usefulness and growing importance of distance learning techniques. It concerns not only regular studies but also postgraduate studies, training courses, short training courses, etc. High interest in using such type of teaching aroused in some countries enabled the creation of new open universities, where the teaching concerns large numbers of students. Although in practice there are different opinions and views related to this form of teaching, it seems that the considered form has numerous unquestionable advantages and due to that it will be systematically developed, using new multimedia tools, communication techniques, fast internet, etc. In the paper there is a short review of selected topics from the field of the widely understandable distance learning; some examples of the existing solutions are also included, as well as an analysis of the advantages and disadvantage of this form of teaching with drawn perspectives for farther development. In the second part of the paper there is a short description of certain projects in the frame of which certain modules (e-manuals) in the field of geodesy and cartography are prepared. Realization of the project tasks constitutes the necessary basis for establishing the supplementary (in relation to traditional teaching) didactic offer in the form of distance learning on the internet. Such form of teaching will also support the existing classic forms of teaching. The paper considers also some technological aspects important for preparing defined modules underlying certain solutions.