The research employed multitemporal satellite photos from 1979, 2000, and 2007 of the area of the Słowiński National Park, which is marked by its high dynamics of landscape changes. Based on the results of a supervised classification concerning three annual volumes of satellite images of the Park area, a research of the area coverage changes has been conducted, and the size of changes and direction of transformations for particular classes were determined. Using land cover maps, an analysis of cross correlation in IDRISI software was conducted, as well as a quantitative analysis of surface area changes of particular land coverage classes in certain time intervals. The calculated (pixel) volumes of changes in particular land coverage forms for the areas within the Park limits made it possible to create maps showing those areas, which in 1979÷2000 and in 1979÷2007 were subjected to transformations, as well as maps of "constant" areas. The scope of the research included a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the degree and direction of transformations of particular Park landscape elements in the examined time periods. As a result, percentage level of the changes for the area coverage forms of the Park were determined, allowing for transformations of one category into another.