While thematic maps are now widely used, their use in the property management is rather new. So far data about property, in property management systems, is visualized mainly in the form of table charts and diagrams. This article presents the possibility of use thematic maps as an element of support for the effective management of Police’s state property entity. For the Police, as managers, thematic maps will meet a number of functions: diagnostic – to allow analysis of current state, control and account – allowing the rationalization of expenditures, and – prognostic – facilitate the realization of strategic goals. Statistical data on managed properties, such as facilities maintenance costs, obtained from the Police Headquarters, were the basis for mapping and analysis. Thematic maps made by applying various methods of cartographic presentation – cartodiagrams (charts), maps of compartments (choropleth map) in software developed by ESRI ArcInfo and MapInfo (developed by MapInfo Corporation) give possibilities of exploratory and multi analysis. The use of thematic maps in the property management system allows the Police on the one hand presentation the descriptive data collected by the Police about the managed property, on the other hand gives the possibility of further analysis and research by seeking spatial and temporal relationships between data on Police Headquarters or stations, and determine their dynamics, and other laws.