In the process of teaching, within practical exercises it is significant to get students familiar with the basic photogrammetric technology processes, related mainly with using specific software. However, the software should differ from the commercial one in being equipped with advanced help, tutorials and analysis of particular work-steps and results. During photogrammetry teaching, the presence of a software assisting in the learning process (including self-learning), can be very useful. Generally, amongst the teaching software one can distinguish two groups: basic and complementary. The first one is the software made directly for teaching purposes, usually made as a freeware and developed in the frame of larger projects. The latter one is also a free software, but is usually shared on the private websites or university websites, thus being easy to access and eagerly used for teaching purposes. In this paper, free software has been described, in particular: DDPS, E-foto, AeroSys, Ilwis, DiMoTeP, Asrix and LDIP Inter. This software is built of different photogrammetric modules, such as: 2D and 3D transformations, space resection, inverse space resection, relative orientation and camera calibration. Using those modules it is possible to create the basic photogrammetric products, particularly: 3D model with the possibility of its stereodigitization, ortophoto, DTM. In this paper we compared two pieces of software serving as an exercise-digital-station: DDPS and E-foto. Moreover, the requirements for the teaching software were also defined.