APCRS vol. 11, Krakow 2001
Data publikacji: 31.12.2001
- Contents
- Dorozhynskyy O. – Foreword
- Bujakowski K.
Present tasks of geodetic and cartographic service in Poland
- Radzio W.
Development of cadastral system in Poland.
- Dorozhynskyy O.
Photogrammetry toward the end of the XX century – achievements and development tendencies
- Bielecka E.
Spatial Information System in Poland – basic assumptions
- Fricker P., Schreiber P.
ADS40 – Progress in digital aerial data collection
- Przewlocki S., Koska T.
State of art and development lines of Real Estate record system:” in Lodz against a background of European Economic
Committee directive lines and program of Polish government - Surowiec S., Konieczna J., Surowiec M.
Migration o f land record data in the post war periods
- Noga K., Kwoczynska B.
Estimation of existing cadastral maps and possibilities of their computerization
- Gniadek J., Harasimowicz S.
Investigation of a village spatial structure on digital maps
- Surowiec G., Malczewska A.
Automatization of separation process of real estate equal value zone on the basis of aerial photos
- Wrona T.
Value of area error as a factor limiting accuracy of cadastral survey
- Dorozhynskyy O., Lawejkin M.I., Petriszyn A.G., Dorozhynska 0.0
Complex priority measures for speeding up o f land reform in Lviv Region
- Belej M.
Comparizon analysis of cadastral systems in 12 European countries
- Wysocki J., Saczuk J., Buczek W.
The possibilities o f the application o f the GeoSET as a computer program for the geodetic elaboration by the method of “electronic table”
- Bursztynska K., Zajac A.
Using o f spline functions for building of DEM
- Renz Z.
An attempt to increase the use of information collected in town land and building data bases for decision support
- Czech G.
Relations between developed Spatial Information System, state statistic system and real estate cadastre
- Babij L., Hrickiw N.
Storage and management of land related data
- Moskal N.M., Tarnawskij W., Zajats Oleksandr
The ways of extending functional capabilities of the Software package Surfer by means of the Software GS Scripter
- Rudij R.M., Matiszczuk A.W., Rudij M.R
Organization of complex regional natural resources cadastre for Carpatian National Nature Park
- Rudyj R.M.
On the classification of agricultural lands
- Zablocki F.
On the lower atmosphere effect Nature in GPS and SLR Measurements in Polar Regions
- Zarnowski A.
Remarks on application of 3D spline function for DTM automatic generation
- Florek-Paszkowski R.
Geoinformation Data Captured by Photogrammetry as a Support for Cadastre and Real Estate Economy
- Kaczynski R., Ewiak I., Ren Wei Chun, Yang Ming Hui
Evaluation of Panchromatic IKONOS Data for Mapping
- Buczek W., Ostrowski P., Preuss R., Sobala D., Zobel H.
Photogrammetric measurements of thermal deformations of steel bridges
- Janowski A., Paszotta Z., Szulwic J.
Concept of photogrammetric photos processing with use of LAN and WAN
- Sawicki P.
Terrestrial phototriangulation with digital camera Kodak DC4800 self-calibration on the job
- Kwoczynska B.
Application of stereo-ortophotomap for modernization of land and building records
- Wróbel A., Wróbel A.
Way of execution o f thermographic elaboration of cylindrical object
- Jedryczka R., Skrzypczyk L.
DTM and ortophoto visualization in real time
- Sawicki P., Rolka J., Urbanski W.
Sterophotogrammmetric restitution of the architectural object based on non-metric digital images with mean resolution
- Miszczenko LI.
Analysis o f covariation matrix of coordinates o f terrain points determined by image elements of exterior orientation
- Szkurczenko.J.W.
Mathematical model o f adjustment o f block phototriangulation with image selfcalibration when linear elements of orientation are known
- Tumska O. W., Janczak W.J.
Researches of automatic matching o f correspondent points of air-stereopair
- Tokarczyk R., Mierzwa W.
Photogrammetric elaboration of stay rope with the use of projective transformation
- Pyka K.
Difficult beginnings of geo-information infrastructure in Poland
- Anciferow A. W., Tirkel M.G., Gluchów O.O.
Geographic Information System “GEOMARK.”
- Omielczenko A., Anciferow W.
Modem geo-information system for mining industry
- Ostrowski Janusz, Moscicka A.K.
Raster soil-cartographic data base as an example of geo-information system
- Lev T., Gerasymenko S., Puskin V.
GIS-modelling of land use optimisation structure on radioactivity polluted territories
- Lev T., Tischenko O., Puskin V.
Geoinformation technology for supporting the decisions on minimisation of Chornobyl accident consiquences in agriculture
- Hlotow W.M., Tretjak K.R.
Investigation of the deformation of support wall drossel breech block on Tereblya-Rick power stationk
- Kowalczuk I., Michnowicz A.
The geographic information system “Analysis of the state of Lviv region environmental situation monitoring network”
- Bozuk T.
About the Data Visualization of the Landscape-Ecological Information System for the Ukrainian Marmarosh
- Chrobak T.
Usefulness of automatic cartographic generalization in information systems LIS/GIS
- Cichocinski P.
Choosen generalization operators and their implementation in ARC/INFO spatial information system
- Melnik W., Dorozhynskyy O. Woloszyn W.
Stereometric methods of quantitative characteristics of soil microstructure
- Iwanczuk O.
Application of the method of photogrammetrical operation of REM stereo pairs for investigation of microsurface of geological objects and soils
- Melnyk V.M, Voloshyn V.U, Voloshyna T.V.
Automatic “sewing together” of REM-images with the use of Walsh descriptors
- Mróz M.
Enhancement of spatial resolution of multi-spectral Landsat7 ETM+ images with the use o f textural and radiometric features of panchromatic channel
- Perski Z., Chybiorz R., Nita J.
Monitoring of terrain subsidence cased by mining by radar satellite interferometrie method
- Januszewski J., Kazimir P., Kazimir L., Fedorowicz-Jackowski W.
Investigation of soil rain-wash basing on multitemporal cartographic, surveying and photogrammetric data
- Jankowicz B.
Application of remote sensing methods for environmental changes researches in Cracow
- Jankowicz B.
Remarks on elaboration of dynamic deformation measurement by stereophotogrammetric method with use of CCD camera
- Kuzik Z., Chljan J.
Geodesic survey works on the archeological excavations in Lviv
- Tretjak K.P., Turuk D.M.
Improving o f accuracy of height points position of Geodesic Kinematic Network
- Gudz I., Protcyk M.
Something about the correct entry of the Ukrainian names on the polish road maps
- Lubecki A.
Border analysis in eco-system with the use of thermovision